Friday, August 26, 2011

Quotes that describe me!


Oh how I think of work evey time I read this!

I think everyone I meet in life can fit in these three catagories!

haha, I SO do this

midnight snacks :)

Awkward Moment
Do this all the time :-)

HA HA HA! Yes. Totally.

This is so me and my girls!

Me and my friends

Lol- Love
This is so me and I'm ok with that!
L says I do this all the time, but I can't help it

@Carrie Thompson this is for you!

Can find these  here plus more!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's For Dinner Tuesday

What's For Dinner Tonight 8-23-11

Tonight was spent with my sisters and mom at a local restaurant so I posting last nights dinner.

I was on my way home from a friends Saturday at 9:30 and still hadn't eaten dinner, I wasn't in the mood for my typical fast food so I decided to run into Kroger to pick some stuff up. L had gotten some veggies a couple days before and I wanted to make something with them but I needed to get some protein. I was originally going to get some tofu and make stir fry but then I saw buffalo chicken bites in the deli and thought that sounded better. The recipe I ended up with was delicious and I just had to make it for L last night.

Buffalo Chicken Stir Fry

1 Zucchini
1 Yellow squash
4oz Mushrooms
1/2 lbs Chicken
1 tbsp Goat cheese
1 tbsp Olive oil
1 tbsp of Buffalo sauce
Cayenne pepper
Garlic powder

Like I stated above I bought the buffalo chicken but you could just as easily buy chicken and saute with buffalo sauce. Heat oil in 9 inch saute pan. Saute mushroom, squash and zucchini until tender. Season to your desire spiciness. Add chicken and goat cheese, also at this time you can add more buffalo sauce if you wish (I've found that the sauce on the chicken will cook off a little) . Allow cheese to melt and serve. I like to sprinkle with parmesan.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Inspirational Thursdays

Completely set my alarm this morning to go off at 9 but when I woke up I couldn't remember why. I think I have officially lost it, needless to say I missed by bible study again so I'm taking inspiration from a few quotes I've pinned this week.


Great reminder for me!

Bad days




I sure hope so.

Let Go....

I hope this is true.

My mantra for life.  I think I might have to change my blog tagline to this.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I've been absent the past week, still trying to get use to managing my time better (I've had this problem since Kindergarten) but I had to post tonight real quick with some exciting news...

After 7 months my cousin is back home from his second deployment!
Arrived safe and sound this morning at home in NC.
Very excited for my cousin, their little girl and the rest of the family along with all the other Marine families that got their loved ones back today. 
They will be spending a couple weeks at home then headed down here to GA so the rest of the family can celebrate his homecoming in person.

Seeing each other for the first time.

I try to thank God everyday for the brave men and women who fight for this country and especially for the ones so close to home. Now only about 3 more months til one of my besties Whit's hubby comes home :-) 

Keep this family and everyone else who is still over seas in your prayers.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesdays

Happy Wednesday Y'all!

I'm Loving... being back at work!
(For the most part)

I'm Loving... that my two direct managers are on vacation this week!

I'm Loving... that I finally waxed my eyebrows!
(may seem trivial but those things were out of control, lol)

I'm Loving... my new hair do!

I'm Loving... that hubby made dinner last night!
(hence the no What's for Dinner Tuesday)

I'm Loving... the wonderful tips I got today!
(Oh yeah that was sarcasm, trying to stay positive)

I'm Loving... that I get to hang out with some of my favorite people this weekend
 and maybe even go to the lake!

I'm Loving... that I'm becoming more open on my blog!

I'm Loving... that L loves me enough to bring me a GIANT sweet tea at work today, driving 20 mins out of his way when all he wanted to do was take a nap!
(and he was sweet enough to bring my manager one too)


And as always... I'm thoughtful Hubby!

Not the best one but I just finally uploaded these from our Fla. trip back in March.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Dear World,

As I sit at home alone on my day off watching the news with foils in my hair I realize one thing... I need more friends. Ones who will actually be around when I need them. Ones who drop what they are doing when I call. Ones who will follow through with their word. Ones who make me laugh unstead of stressed out. Ones who will listen to me complain all day and never judge me or feel sorry for me. Ones who give good advice but won't get mad if I don't take it. Ones who can understand my sarcasm. Just to name a few.

I know this may seem like alot but I'm just asking for someone to be there/ to talk to. I'm pretty sure laying all my problems on the all ready over stressed hubby is not good, plus I need someone to talk to about him!

Lonely and bored Rachel

Monday, August 8, 2011


Life has taken over this week.
 Between my first week back at work and technology failing me I haven't done that much writing this week!
 (I tried to post a few short post this week via text but they never posted)

This week has proven that I need to go back to planning my day out, I can't just play it my ear anymore.

Monday: first day back was great and I got to spend it with my favorite AW!
Tuesday: supposed to be my day off but I had to go to a color class in downtown, again spent the day with AW. Got home and slept from 4-9, missed my meeting and didn't make dinner for Tuesday's post.
Wednesday: worked a mid-shift and went to bed early. Had some back lash text messages after Wednesday's post. But don't want to talk about that anymore.
Thursday: over slept and didn't go to bible study, closed at work
Friday: worked the Grand Opening of the Marietta Ulta, sat in Friday rush hr traffic on the way home, L went out for the night and I stayed home cause I was exhausted, drank some wine, ate some frozen yogurt, and caught up on my shows.
Saturday: slowest and worst day at work. L went to Helen with some friends and bought me back my favorite wine, White Muscadine! Got home at 9, drank a glass bottle of wine, watched "Just Go With It" (supper cute and funny). Got a foot rub since my puppies were killing me after a week back on my feet.
Sunday: Slept in, hung out just Hubby and I all day. Fabulous dinner of steak, mushrooms, and mash potatoes that L made!

It was a great but busy week, I look forward to this next week and getting back into the swing of things again.

Hope Y'all had a great week/weekend also!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


They drain every ounce of energy out of my body, I feel more exhausted after a hour with them than 48 hours of no sleep. You know the type, the ones who feed off of drama. They live for it, they like to cause it, they like to stick their nose in others people's and they love stirring the pot!

I've had my fair share this past weekend and I'm over it, over them! I've never been afraid of writing people out of my life for a good reason and I won;t be thinking twice this time. I'm 25 years old, I don't need these types of "friends" in my life. I have enough going on right now I don't need their added stress and drama. A professor of mine told me this once and I've always remembered it: "People are either wind in your sails our anchors on your tail"

This whole drama was something that was building between my husband and BIL, it's along story but the gist of it is: BIL was mad at hubby for something that happened 2 weeks ago outside of work, so he tried to get hubby in trouble at work on Thursday which almost cost hubby a week off work without pay. And then M blew up on me Sunday cause I said something to my parents about it (only because my mom wanted L to do something for her this week and I said he might be wide open and they wanted details).   I'm not claiming to know the whole story but messing with someones income is just messed up! And  9 out of 10 times I'm going to take my husbands back, even if he's wrong! (which he wasn't in this case)

During the mist of the drama unfolding it is brought to light that L's boss that he trusted with his secret of joining the Navy told my sister and BIL (the three of them work together). We have been very careful of the people we have told this news to 1) because we still aren't sure about all the details and 2) because it's still in the beginning stages we only want positive people who will encourage this decision to know.

So that's where we are now, neither one of us talking to each other and as sad as that is I'm okay with it for now. Hopefully things get worked out and we can all tolerate to be in the same room as each other and maybe even go back to hanging out since we do have alot of the same friends but for now family functions/ church might be a little awkward.