Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's For Dinner Tuesday

What's For Dinner Tonight 8-23-11

Tonight was spent with my sisters and mom at a local restaurant so I posting last nights dinner.

I was on my way home from a friends Saturday at 9:30 and still hadn't eaten dinner, I wasn't in the mood for my typical fast food so I decided to run into Kroger to pick some stuff up. L had gotten some veggies a couple days before and I wanted to make something with them but I needed to get some protein. I was originally going to get some tofu and make stir fry but then I saw buffalo chicken bites in the deli and thought that sounded better. The recipe I ended up with was delicious and I just had to make it for L last night.

Buffalo Chicken Stir Fry

1 Zucchini
1 Yellow squash
4oz Mushrooms
1/2 lbs Chicken
1 tbsp Goat cheese
1 tbsp Olive oil
1 tbsp of Buffalo sauce
Cayenne pepper
Garlic powder

Like I stated above I bought the buffalo chicken but you could just as easily buy chicken and saute with buffalo sauce. Heat oil in 9 inch saute pan. Saute mushroom, squash and zucchini until tender. Season to your desire spiciness. Add chicken and goat cheese, also at this time you can add more buffalo sauce if you wish (I've found that the sauce on the chicken will cook off a little) . Allow cheese to melt and serve. I like to sprinkle with parmesan.

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